All the best productions have a character painted along with their twisted letters. Some sort of cartoon abstraction of a b-boy or a comic strip hero to keep your words company, along with a dope background and you got a killer. Here's a contemporary mix of Unfriendly Faces; some are super simple, all are impressively expressive and from a single flow of inspiration... ROMS ONE.
He does get some help along the way with contributions from DENIM, SOLVE, and PENTO, but this zine follows the success and scrap hound nature of ROMS' previous works. Doodles on stickers, freight stationary, brown bags, playing cards. Sketched with sharpies, chisel tips, ball points, white outs, and pencil. Some basic elements tweaked and repeated with simple shapes and an infinite scroll of characters that are better than yours.
comes with an 5.5" x 8.5" print and about 25+ printed and hand drawn stickers... a grab bag full
first edition of 90 copies
38 page black and white printing on thick laser paper with a cover just the same - 5.5" x 8.5"** Postage paid in the US **
design & production: ROMS ONE - 2022
Pacific Northwest, USA